
class openfermioncirq.trotter.TrotterAlgorithm[source]

An algorithm for performing a Trotter step.

A Trotter step algorithm contains methods for performing a symmetric or asymmetric Trotter step and their controlled versions. It does not need to support all the possibilities; for instance, it may support only symmetric Trotter steps with no control qubit. Support for a kind of Trotter step is implemented by overriding the methods of this class.


A set containing types of Hamiltonian representations that can be simulated using this Trotter step algorithm. For example, {DiagonalCoulombHamiltonian, InteractionOperator}.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


asymmetric(hamiltonian, …)
controlled_asymmetric(hamiltonian, …)
controlled_symmetric(hamiltonian, …)
symmetric(hamiltonian, …)

